Паска, МаріяPaska, MariaSimonova, IrynaGaluch, BogdanBasarab, IrynaMasliichuk, Olga2019-09-242019-09-242017Toxic elements in lentil, thyme and juniper in the composition of semi-smoked sausages using the method of atomic-absorption spectrometry with atomization in flame / Maria Paska, Iryna Simonova, Bogdan Galuch, Iryna Basarab, Olga Masliichuk // Eureka: Life Sciences. - 2017. - N 4. - P. 35-42.http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/22277Studies have been conducted into the content of toxic elements in sprouted and unsprouted lentils, juniper fruits and thyme herb, manufactured samples of semi-smoked sausages whose formulation contained the specified ingredients. The samples were prepared for conducting the study. Measuring the mass fraction of heavy metals is based on the selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency by atoms of substance in a free state. Metal mass fraction in the mineralizate of a sample of food products was calculated by the calibration dependence of absorption magnitude on mass concentration of the metal. Measurement of copper and zinc mass fractions involved an atomization technique in the air-acetylene flame, with a burner heated to a temperature of around 3000 °C; their content was determined by the magnitude of radiation resonance absorption at analytical wavelength corresponding to the examined metal. It was determined that the investigated vegetable raw materials and semi-smoked sausages did not contain toxic elements that exceeded the standardenmicrowave mineralizeratomic absorption spectrometrsprouted lentilsunsprouted lentilsjuniper fruitsthyme herbsemi-smoked sausagesToxic elements in lentil, thyme and juniper in the composition of semi-smoked sausages using the method of atomic-absorption spectrometry with atomization in flameArticle