Kryshtanovych, MyroslavKryshtanovych, SvitlanaChubinska, NataliіaKhromova, YuliіaSylkin, Oleksandr2022-06-212022-06-212022-06-21The System of Public Administration in Educational Institutions in Rural Regions in the Context of the Development of Educational Culture / Kryshtanovych M., Kryshtanovych S., Chubinska N., Khromova Y., Sylkin, O. // Brazilian Journal of Rural Education. - 2022. - Vol. 7. - P. 14140. DOI: (Web of Science) main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas. One of the tasks of the state policy in relation to higher education in rural areas at present is the development of a system for diagnosing the quality of education to determine the compliance of the level of education with state standards. In the formation of state policy in the field of higher education in modern conditions, in comparison with recent times, the problem of the quality of higher education has become the leading one. Formation of conditions for the fullest satisfaction of the needs of citizens in high-quality higher education, and the economy - in competent specialists, is becoming one of the main tasks of public administration bodies in higher education in rural areas. In modern conditions of civilizational development, the state plays the main, decisive role in the development of education - by its inherent methods, it is actively involved in the management of educational processes in rural areas. As a result of the study, the most indicative foreign experience of public administration of the higher education system in rural areas was analyzed.enpedagogyhigher education systemrural educationpublic administrationrural areasThe System of Public Administration in Educational Institutions in Rural Regions in the Context of the Development of Educational CulturеСистема державного управління в навчальних закладах сільської місцевості в контексті розвитку освітньої культуриArticle