Swimming in gold water - sport for everyone and activity conducive to favourable ageing. World cold water swimming organizations
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Назва тому
Polish world champion in winter swimming Lech Bednarek is in his seventies
at the moment. Passion for swimming in cold water enriches his life and keeps
him in good health. This article discusses the issue of physical activity in cold
water considered as a social trend that increases the quality of life, and signalizes
the development of this phenomenon since the end of 20th century.
Ключові слова
swimming, плавання
Бібліографічний опис
Kowal-Orczykowska A. Swimming in gold water - sport for everyone and activity conducive to favourable ageing. World cold water swimming organizations / Anna Kowal-Orczykowska, Boguslaw Ogrodnik // Проблеми активізації рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності населення : матеріали Х Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. з міжнар. участю (12-13 трав. 2016 р.). - Львів, 2016. - С. 196 - 199.