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Назва: Modelling the impact of emigration upon social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine
Інші назви: Моделювання впливу еміграції на соціально-економічний стан розвитку Карпатського регіону України
Автори: Levytska, Olha
Mulska, Olha
Shushkova, Yulia
Ivaniuk, Ulana
Vasyltsiv, Taras
Krupin, Vitaliy
Ivanova, Liliya
Левицька, Ольга
Мульська, Ольга
Шушкова, Юлія
Іванюк, Уляна
Васильців, Тарас
Крупін, Віталій
Іванова, Лілія
Ключові слова: development
intensity of migration
Carpathian region
інтенсивність міграції
Карпатський регіон
Дата публікації: 2022
Бібліографічний опис: Modelling the impact of emigration upon social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine / Levytska O., Mulska O., Shushkova Y., Ivaniuk U., Vasyltsiv T., Krupin V., Ivanova L. // Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series. – 2022. – N 57. – P. 141 –154. https://doi.org/10.12775/bgss-2022-0028 ( Web of Science)
Серія/номер: Наукові праці професорсько-викладацького складу ЛДУФК імені Івана Боберського в базах даних Scopus та WoS;
Короткий огляд (реферат): Population migration activity in the Carpathian region of Ukraine is currently high in intensity and scale compared to the national average. This situation is caused by subjective factors (lower living standards and quality of life, employment problems, escalation of armed conflict in the east) and objective factors (globalization and increasing population mobility, development of transnational corporations, digitalization of the economy, simplification of border-crossing procedures). The aim of the research is to model and visualize the impact of population migration on the social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and to determine an optimal value and critical range of external migration for the region. Based on the modelling, assuming that socio-economic development of the Carpathian region corresponds to the level of integral coefficient for Poland in 2018 (calculated using a multiplicative approach), the acceptable level of external migration was determined. It is 0.850 for Lviv region (actual migration level was 1.479 in 2018); 0.653 for Chernivtsi region (0.695); and 1.488 for Zakarpattya region (2.149). The critical range of the intensity of external population migration is 0.723–1.264 for Lviv region, 0.499–0.578 for Chernivtsi region, 0.006–0.008 for IvanoFrankivsk region, and 0.479–0.769 for Zakarpattya region.Population migration activity in the Carpathian region of Ukraine is currently high in intensity and scale compared to the national average. This situation is caused by subjective factors (lower living standards and quality of life, employment problems, escalation of armed conflict in the east) and objective factors (globalization and increasing population mobility, development of transnational corporations, digitalization of the economy, simplification of border-crossing procedures). The aim of the research is to model and visualize the impact of population migration on the social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and to determine an optimal value and critical range of external migration for the region. Based on the modelling, assuming that socio-economic development of the Carpathian region corresponds to the level of integral coefficient for Poland in 2018 (calculated using a multiplicative approach), the acceptable level of external migration was determined. It is 0.850 for Lviv region (actual migration level was 1.479 in 2018); 0.653 for Chernivtsi region (0.695); and 1.488 for Zakarpattya region (2.149). The critical range of the intensity of external population migration is 0.723–1.264 for Lviv region, 0.499–0.578 for Chernivtsi region, 0.006–0.008 for IvanoFrankivsk region, and 0.479–0.769 for Zakarpattya region.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/33878
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові праці професорсько-викладацького складу ЛДУФК в базах даних Scopus, WoS, Tomson Reuters

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