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Назва: Can integrative physical education improve physical development of schoolchildren ? With a kind of emptiness ?
Автори: Bodnar, Ivanna
Dukh, Tetiana
Martyniv, Oleh
Hoshovska, Larysa
Боднар, Іванна
Дух, Тетяна
Матвіїв, Олег
Гошовська, Ірина
Ключові слова: education
Дата публікації: 2018
Бібліографічний опис: Can integrative physical education improve physical development of schoolchildren ? With a kind of emptiness ? / Ivanna Bodnar, Tetiana Dukh, Oleh Martyniv, Larysa Hoshovska // Physical Activity Review. - 2018. - Vol. 6. - P. 1-7. (Scopus)
Короткий огляд (реферат): Elaboration of the concept of inclusive education demands the continuation of the research in order to clarify its effectiveness under various conditions and with different contingent. The research objective was to compare the effect of segregative and integrative physical education classes (PE) upon physical development indicators in the apparently healthy middle secondary school age students and the students with minor health problems. Two separate groups of schoolchildren (N=1417, aged 10-15) underwent a medical examination. One group of students attended segregative physical education classes, for the other group physical education classes were conducted integratively according to the students’ health status. The ratio of the total number of physical development significant growth rates in the sets of segregative and integrative mode of PE classes indicates a slightly higher efficiency of integrated PE classes as compared to segregative ones, which was confirmed statistically.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/12289
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові праці професорсько-викладацького складу ЛДУФК в базах даних Scopus, WoS, Tomson Reuters

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