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Назва: Correction of the functional state of 5 - 9 - grade students at rural schools selected for special medical groups due to articular manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia in Ukraine
Автори: Tymochko-Voloshyn, R.
Trach, Volodymyr
Boretsky, Yuriy
Dyka, M.
Тимочко-Волошин, Роксолана
Трач, Володимир
Борецький, Юрій
Дика, М.
Ключові слова: physical education
connective tissue dysplasia
Дата публікації: 2017
Бібліографічний опис: Correction of the functional state of 5 - 9 - grade students at rural schools selected for special medical groups due to articular manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia in Ukraine / Tymochko-Voloshyn R., Trach V., Boretsky Y., Dyka M. // Journal of physical education and sport. - 2017. - Vol. 17, is. 2. - P. 568-571. (Scopus)
Короткий огляд (реферат): The most frequent signs of connective tissue dysplasia and its links with a general morbidity of pupils were summarized. Health problems and some means for physical education of Ukrainian rural school pupils that were classified to special medical group due to connective tissues dysplasia are described in the article. Based on obtained data we tried to develop a complex approach that can be used during school year to stimulate moving activi ty and to improve a functional state of cardio - vascular and respiratory systems of special medical groups pupils possessing joint hypermobility caused by connective tissue dysplasia. Then evaluation of the developed approach was done by studying pupil’s heart rate and applying different tests such as Stange test, Hench test , indexes of Ruffier and Robinson, vegetative index of Kerdo. As a result, positive influence of the developed program on a physical state of pupils enrolled was confirmed. Thus, the de veloped program can be used in Ukrainian rural schools to teach pupils exhibiting connective tissue dysplasia in order to compensate their lack of physical activity and improve their functional state thus preventing morbidity and development of complications.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/10561
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові праці професорсько-викладацького складу ЛДУФК в базах даних Scopus, WoS, Tomson Reuters

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