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Назва: Use of boxing to improve the physical education content in lyceums with intensive military and physical training
Автори: Ilnytskyy, Ivan
Okopnyy, Andriy
Palatnyy, Artur
Pityn, Maryan
Kyselytsia, Oksana
Zoriy, Yaroslav
Ільницький, Іван
Окопний, Андрій
Палатний, Артур
Пітин, Мар'ян
Киселиця, Оксана
Зорій, Ярослав
Ключові слова: lyceum
curriculum classes
physical education
Дата публікації: 2018
Бібліографічний опис: Use of boxing to improve the physical education content in lyceums with intensive military and physical training / Ivan Ilnytskyy, Andriy Okopnyy, Artur Palatnyy, Maryan Pityn, Oksana Kyselytsia, Yaroslav Zoriy // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2018. - Vol. 18, is. 1. - P. 262 - 269.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The introduction of the innovative physical education technologies in the educational process of military lyceums can provide a decrease in the share of teachers impromptu and contribute to the achievement of the planned result. Purpose: to explore the effectiveness of the application of boxing means within a framework of the variable part of the content of the discipline “Physical Education” to improve the physical preparedness of pupils of the lyceums with intensive military and physical training. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and Internet data, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Organization. The pupils of Mukachevo lyceum with intensive military and physical training participated in the study; they were divided into two groups (control group, n=63 and experimental group, n=29) in the second term of 2014-1015 academic year. Results. The effectiveness of the application of boxing means within the framework of the variable module of the educational subject “Physical Education” is associated with reliable intra-group increases in the indicators of students according to such manifestations of physical qualities: the maximum strength is 10.55-12.31 %, p≤0.05-0.0; the explosive strength – 5.86-17.06 % at р≤0.05-0.1; the flexibility – 12.69-24.82 % at р≤0.05-0.01; the speed capabilities – 18.77-25.13 %, at p≤0.01; the strength endurance and speed-strength endurance - 18.03-28.50 % at p≤0.01 and general endurance - 9.42 % at p≤0.01 compared to the baseline level
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/10528
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