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Назва: Biochemical changes in cluster analysis indicators as a result of special tests of freestyle wrestlers of alactate and lactate types of power supply
Автори: Sybil, Mariia
Pervachuk, Rostyslav
Zahura, Fedir
Shandrygos, V.
Yaremenko, V.
Bodnar, Ivanna
Ключові слова: freestyle wrestlers
cluster analysis
biochemical monitoring
special check test
Дата публікації: 2018
Бібліографічний опис: Biochemical changes in cluster analysis indicators as a result of special tests of freestyle wrestlers of alactate and lactate types of power supply / M. Sybil, R. Pervachuk, F. Zahura, V. Shandrygos, V. Yaremenko, I. Bodnar // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2018. - Vol. 18, is. 1. - P. 235 - 238.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The paper presents a pattern of alactic, lactic and mixed types of freestyle wrestlers identified using the cluster analysis (computer application SPSS Statistic 17) of biochemical parameters growth of alactic (creatinine) and lactic (lactic acid) anaerobic energy supply mechanisms in response to specific check tests. The study involved 20 freestyle wrestlers with classification from I degree to Master of Sports (3-8 years of experience in training). It has been established that 3 athletes belong to alactic, 6 to lactic and 11 athletes to mixed types, which made it possible to customize the training program.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/10527
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові праці професорсько-викладацького складу ЛДУФК в базах даних Scopus, WoS, Tomson Reuters

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